Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 11 of A&B

    Something that stood out in Chapter 11 when I read through it was locally and globally revising your draft. Locally and globally revising will require me to go back and look at my essay in a different way. When I read through it I will now not only look at the sentence structure and just a few sentences at a time but the piece as a whole. I know when I write I sometimes just run off on a tangent then read through and edit as I go instead of looking at the whole picture. I liked one of the quotes it gave as a reason why revising is so important "meaning is not what you start out with but what you end up with", A&B.


  1. Gave good information, covered the locally and globally revising topics very well!

  2. I like the quote a lot! I found the locally and globally section to be interesting, as well. I almost included it in my blog.
